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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 13 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Energy Part II by April M Rimpo
Second painting of the triptych Energy. The primary color in this triptych is yellow. The only meaning I found associated with chakra (energy center) associated with yellow is energy.  Kadinsky, of course, had more to say about yellow. First of all he heard a fanfare of trumpets.  I find that analogy interesting.  I think of trumpets as announcing the day or starting a celebration, both energetic moments.  The meanings Kadinsky associated with yellow are warm, exciting, disturbing, or totally bonkers. My goal in portraying these "Sun Salutation" poses is certainly not intended to make anyone feel disturbed or totally bonkers, so I hope this painting makes you fee either warmth or excitement.

Tomorrow I'll share the final segment and full image of the triptych.  

To see all of my 30 Day Challenge paintings click here


  1. Yes, April, I feel warm looking at this and it has a kind of quiet energy.

  2. I'm liking the colors!
    Good Luck with #14 = )

  3. Yellow is a colour I do associate with spring and flowers and the sun - not bonkers at all, well maybe a little bit!

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure why Kadinsky thought "bonkers", but it was an amusing tidbit.

  4. Warmth, sunlight and energy. But not overpowering. Hopeful.

    1. I always like you word choices, Sheila. Hopeful makes me feel good. Thanks.

  5. I really like your looseness/freedom with your figure painting. And the little bits of white add so much!

    1. I've struggled with this series. Until I added the few spots of white they just didn't feel right. Thank you for confirming my intuition.


I look forward to hearing from you. - April