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Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 16 of the #jan30in30 Challenge - Devotion I

Devotion I, 8" X 8" fluid acrylic by April M Rimpo
Ah, those calming colors are back with an emphasis on violet in this new Devotion series. These cool colors make me think of the atmosphere around the earth and I start to see stars.  As I was painting I thought a lot about that and I suspect some of that is communicated in the finished painting.

I had some fun researching the color violet and found these interesting ideas on the Empower Yourself with Color Psychology site about violet and purple

  • Violet "stimulates the imagination and inspires high ideals"
  • "It is an introspective color that allows us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts"
  • As a blend of red and blue, purple and violet "contain the energy and strength of red with the spirituality and integrity of blue. This is the union of body and soul creating a balance between our physical and our spiritual energies."
  • "Purple or violet assists those who seek the meaning of life and spiritual fulfillment - it expands our awareness, connecting us to a higher consciousness. For this reason it is associated with transformation of the soul"

Tomorrow I'll reveal the meanings related to the chakra associated with violet. It turns out the Kadinsky source I was using was silent on the colors violet and purple.

Thanks to Leslie Saeta for sponsoring the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. Follow the link to see all the paintings created as part of this challenge.  It has certainly gotten my creating juices flowing.  #jan30in30


  1. Interesting post April, I enjoy the insights you share :) Love the texture in this, the "stars" (?)

    1. Thank you, Sheila. The texture is my favorite part too.

  2. Aha! I knew there was a reason that purple has been my favorite color the past few years...! This is so fascinating to read about, and I so admire you for doing that research and for integrating the colors and forms that express what you wish to convey in each of your paintings. Halfway through your 30 day challenge! I think it's been a very valuable journey thus far! This piece is gorgeous and so expressive!

    1. Thank you, Katherine. I have been learning a lot and will certain use some of the techniques in my more realistic pieces. Thanks for your comment. I always find your blog posts so enlightening too.

  3. April,
    Love the colors (especially the purple and violet) plus the texture you have achieved.

  4. Beautiful, like looking through the branches of a cherry tree to the stars.

    1. I wondered if anyone would think of a tree. The lines do look tree-like in this one.

  5. Beautiful color harmony and LOVE it. I like little bits of yellow and green too. Thanks for sharing the insight. It is very interesting.

  6. Nice one, April. The straight lines lead my eye up. Here I see the soul moving from the Blue - throat chakra (inspiration) to the purple- third eye (spiritual awakening) chakra.

    1. I wish I had thought of that myself, Sandy. Thank you.


I look forward to hearing from you. - April