More Beautiful with Age watercolor by April M. Rimpo |
More Beautiful with Age
22" X 29" image
29" X 36" brushed silver frame
Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I suspect that when we were driving down the road in Vermont looking for a covered bridge my husband never expected me to ask him to turn around and go back for a couple of old rusting cars in a field. The car closest to the road is the one that caught my eye, but as I walk across the field I discovered there were actually three cars. The one shown here was not the one that initially caught my eye. However as I wandered from one car to the next I found the interlacing of the flowers with this car to be the most compelling. There is something about these kinds of contrasts that often draw my attention.
I find just about anything can be an inspiration for a painting. My husband has apparently learned this with time because he no longer questions me about why we had to drive back to a given place. I hope this is because he likes the result when I finally get around to doing the painting, but it may simply be easier to go along with it than to challenge my inspiration.
I have even found when traveling with other artists that what
draws my eye is not the same things that draws their eye. I went for a
drive one late afternoon with a fellow artist who was taking the same
workshop as I. We were out getting the lay of the land with no particular
destination, so I kept stopping to take pictures of the birds, landscape,
houses, whatever caught my eye. As we were returning to the hotel where
we were staying I stopped one more time to photograph an egret in the marsh.
She had not seen the bird and mentioned how amazed she was at all the
things I see; especially since I was the one driving. You may be thinking you
don’t want to be anywhere near me when I am driving; that I am a road hazard.
Well I think I am safer than other artists I know, since I do this in
very rural locations and I do pull over to the side of the road to take the
pictures. A short walk to get back to the location is not unusual. I know some of my artist
friends have actually figured out how to take pictures when driving down the
highway. Yikes! I guess it is all relative.
Well I hope the crazy inspiration for this painting makes you smile and maybe even takes you to a place in your past. Let me know about what inspires your work.
If this painting really "tickles your fancy" and you might like the original or a print
contact April. Samples of some of my limited edition
prints are available in my
online shop.