The reception at Agora Gallery was an exciting time that left me exhausted. Having finally recovered I wanted to share the reception with you. There were three exhibits having their receptions at Agora Gallery that night: Sensorial Perspectives, Pathways to Abstraction, and The French Perspective. Before the crowds arrived, Agora Gallery's videograper, Crumlicmedia, worked with each artist to film us and our art. These individuals clips were compiled with filming done throughout the reception to create a video that you can see along with stills taken by the still photographer. Photos and a video of the reception I have borrowed a couple of the stills in this blog posting, but most of the photos were taken by my husband, Chas Rimpo.

As you will see in these photos Agora Gallery is a large, beautiful space. Each artist's space included a bio with their work along with a Quick Response Code (QRC) that can be scanned by mobile devices to take you directly to the artist's sales site. I had six watermedia paintings on display, some were only watercolor and others were a combination of watercolor and fluid acrylic. Five of the pieces can be seen in the picture with the videographer. The sixth, At One with their Gondolas, is in the first photo (above).
I spoke with several people during the reception, including Agora Gallery staff, clients, family, friends, and other artists. Below are photographs of some of the people I met during the event. I really enjoyed the work by
Liesel Beukes, (take a look at her website)
. Her paintings are visually intriguing and thought provoking. I also met Kevin Stevens who does abstract paintings; I loved the inclusions that represent moments from his life. He tells me he continues to explore a variety of media to learn and grow as an artist.
My friend, Joyce, attended the reception with her daughter. It was great to visit. One of our nieces was in New York on her way to Europe, so we were able to visit with her as well. We were so busy talking we forgot to take her picture.
I was fascinated by the mixed media work by Katherine Li . Unfortunately we were unable to meet her to ask about her process for creating this wonderful mixed media art. It had great depth and texture.
Note: Chas and I took an Amtrak train to/from New York during which I took lots of photographs. We also took many photos while in New York. There are definitely some future paintings interspersed in all of this great material. Stay tuned.